Meat or no meat ....

Two days ago we were looking for a restaurant, for some lunch. Having been in the restaurant business once upon a time I always look for the numbers of cars there are in the parking lot. So we found one with a lot of cars on a Saturday of a long weekend... hmmmm sounds strange. So we decided to try it since it was a buffet restaurant which I usually don't like. It took us a while to realize we were in a restaurant that was more or less a vegetarian place. We filled our plates and I did not think this kind of stuff would fill me up, but to my surprise I was just about uncomfortably full by the time we left and the food was great. By mid-afternoon we both felt very good and full of energy, to our surprise. Judy was so intrigued that she wanted to try it yesterday again, and so we did, and with the same results. What a pleasant experience. ( We still have more coupons for the place....... I suppose we will end up there again ) So I suppose meat or no meat is the question?
